Friday, September 29, 2006

Successful Fast Food Business--McDonald's VS Arby's

Near my home on the Indy NW side, McDonald's and Arby's are neighbors..located side by side. Here is what I have seen:
OBSERVE 1: This is obvious. For three good dollars--Mc lovers get their cheeseburger, fries, and a soda. You will need at least 6 dollars to get a combo menu at Arby's.
OBSERVE 2: Twenty cars lining up along Mc drive through. Eat-in customers not included. Look at Mc's neighbor. Two wait on their drive through. One wait inside.
OBSERVE 3: Mc has already served all of those twenty drive throughers. Their neighbor still working on the second.
OBSERVE 4: Arby's menu is more fancy, much healtier, and obviously better freshly prepare. Mc only cares about serving fast. If you comes in during a non-rush hours..say..3pm. It is hard to miss that your food has been prepared since lunch time.
OBSERVE 5: According to OB 2,3, Mc employees seem to be trained better as far as fast food business concern.
OBSERVE 6: Mc offers sauces in the cup. This is so easy to dip. Arby's has their fancy sauces in a salad dressing package aside from cupped Arby's sauce. This is so awkward.
OBSERVE 7: Arby's usually sends their discounted coupons to residents around their neighborhood. However prices still higher than Mc who never sends anything to anyone.

1 comment:

Pondering said...

That's right. How sad to admit it. But hey! how's your Canada thing coming along?