I'm not really ashame to admit that my first try of alcohol happened due to peer pressure when I was a freshman at Chiang Mai University. It was kinda embarrassing though since most of my friends who had their first alcohol attempt happened to be indirectly forced to drink during those Thai ways of welcoming freshies. So they drank, drunk and passed out. Me personally, I was willing to. Alll of my buddies drank, so I did it too. I wanted to be 'cool.' I know I know. I then secretly blamed my first alcohol abuse on 'peer pressure.' It sounds as if it wasn't my fault lol.
Like I've mentioned in the previous..previous blog, I was then introduced to 'West End'--the finest (defined as cheapest) whiskey around with unknown origin whatsoever at a lived music bar called 'After Dark'--realizing years later how lame the name was (but back then, oh gosh, the name sounded hip as hell!) Most girl friends would mix WE with Cola, but weirdly, I went mixing it with soda. Since then, I've never mix whiskey with coke again. Still, don't know why exactly. I guess coke thicken the drink or something like that. I'm so glad my parents didn't get to see me in person back then because I was so 'out there' doing stuff even on the weekdays. My crush (remember that long hair guy?) was also a drummer at another bar, so that gave me another reason to go out even more often. I didn't even have a car back then, so my friends and I had to ride each other motorcycles around town--imagine some drunks girls on bikes at 4 in the morning. Picture perfect. The funny thing is that nobody mentioned anything about DUI (does Thailand has this DUI thing? I guess not, especially back then.) Looking back, I wonder how I've been alive until now.)
The saddest story of all must be this incident happened on one of those drunken nights. About 8 of us were out, drinking, partying--being drunk sluts in general lol. After leaving a bar, we all decided to grab a bite to eat and picnicing along Mae Ping River. It passed 3am. We were all full, deciding we would sing (FYI: We had some beer bottles and craps like that around too) using chop sticks, swinging them around like mental-illness group of crazies. We officially passed out along the river by a big road also. I didn't remember what time it was, but there was this police waking us all up, asking all these questions. They basically thought we were group of homelesses. After showing all CMU ID, we shamelessly left. It wasn't embarassing back then though since we were so tired, but everytime when I think about it, man!!! that was embarassing. Like I've said. It was peer pressure lol.
That's hilarious!
I heard that Thailand as a country is one of the largest consumers of alcohol in the world???
Is it really?
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