Aside from football, I finally dragged my ass out of bed this morning, and desperatedly made it to the gym, which, believe it or not, I don't even remember when the last time I visited this holy place. Recently, I take a close look at my level of tireness, amount of food I consume and last, but not least, the fact that I can't even see my toes anymore when looking down, yahhhh those were the last calls. I've got to work out.
Speaking of gym, there are always a few things I find very amusing every single time I step inside. There are almost aways a few types of people in there: ONE: A serious atheletes type. You know those who lift like 300 lbs and sweats their asses off in front of weight machines. Ahh...you've got some pictures. TWO: Those who try...very try to lose weights and you can tell, there's still a long way to go for them. (but hey! at least they are at the gym. First step right?) THREE: This group wants to stay healthy. There ain't nothing wrong with them. FOUR: Those who just get back to gym after...God knows how long. They look so damn tired. (I'm in this category lol) FIVE: Those who join the gym for social purposes. They ain't working out. They are checking people out and God forbid, they are checking themselves out too. This last one is the funniest.
Oh jeez.....tomorrow is Monday.
(photo courtersy of www.patriots.com)
Yeah I just started working out too...after quitting smoking and putting on a lot of pounds it was time to get my arse back in shape. I'm taking self-defence classes, going to the Y, and looking at starting Crossfit training. You should check out Crossfit, it's intense but seems one of the best workouts out there. www.crossfit.com.
Anyway be thankful you're Thai and even if you're fat you look small compared to us northern European Neanderthals lol.
Oh no Melissa, even I'm a Thai. No, I still don't look 'average' around here, let alone Thailand.
Three years ago when I visited Thailand, I can't even find my size at their local market. Asian girls seem to shrink--they get smaller and smaller everyday. Think poles.
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