i will be missing you. who is gonna be Frank now since you are gone?
Now, this is gonna be weird. I heard from Ryan today that Peter Boyle has died at the age of 71 on yesterday evening at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He had been suffering from multiple myeloma and heart desease. Boyle played a big role in several movies, but the one I have known is from is 'Everybody Loves Raymond" where he played the curmudgeonly father in this long-running sitcom show. 'Frank,' I've known him by. He is famous for saying 'holy crap' and his laid back and hilarious personalities in the show that leaded me to grow to love him.
My problem is: no one can ever replace Frank--the most funny, perky, silly on the TV show. Sleep well Boyle.
(12/18/35 - 12/12/06)
I never think 'everybody loves Raymond' is a good show. I didn't like it when this show replaced friends re-run but there was nothing else on so I had to watch it. For me, nothing beats 'friends'.
But yeah....RIP, Frank.
I love Frank! Sad to hear he died...
You will have to fight with me on this....lol I love this show. I used to like Friends a lot until I got a first look on Raymond. I now have the whole (well sort of) collection on DVD!!!
I love Frank too. He is like the best character on the show.
This is totally off topic, but have any of you had a day/night where you drank so much that you can't remember much and to top it off you made drunken phone calls that you also can't remember, but know you made based on the call register? I'm cursing the company Christmas party.....
For some reason I'm thinking the gals hanging around this blog might be able to relate... :-D
I'm so inspired. Pls read my recent blog.
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