As far as I'm concern, Indy is not a very diversified city with lower than 5% of minorities and lower than 1% of asians, even though the city feels that there are people of colors everywhere. According to me and my observation, I disagree. We have only 7 Thai restaurants in town, and probably one of them meets my standard. Yet, the best one is not even in town. I takes me about 45 minutes to get there. This is pretty sad. Aside from that, the weather here suits those who are spontaneos because it leaves us, who obviously do not have any control towards mother nature, with little to no clue on what kind of temperature will be like in the next 30 minutes. Summer is pretty short to me, but long enough for those who are fond with cooler one. Winter is extremely long for any Thai who lives here. It can start in October until, God knows, when it will end. Indianapolis is a home of Indianapolis Colts, Indianapolis 500 and Pacers.
Girl. You so need to move to Southern California.
Oakley: I know. I need to. Weather here will drop down to 40s this Thursday. How depressing!
P'Pung: That picture is taken right by the canel in downtown. Indy is actually a really nice place to live. I only have a problem with its winter. Not as bad as Chicago I'm sure, but still. I usually feel alive when the temp is over 60 degrees.
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