I've got a big picture today--a hardship of work life. You've got NO freedom of traveling.
I'm talking about a vacation here, well, not exactly. I'm just thinking it's about time for myself to visit Thailand...mainly family. This must be one of a very few bad side of living overseas and working at the same time--you can't seem to have enough "days off" for a flight back home. The home located on another side of the world. Unlike these folks at work, the idea of going home for them is like only a few hours trip. Some, 30 minutes drive. For me, almost a day worth of flying. Oh....we can't drive to Thailand from here, can we? LOL
It's almost an obligation for me this year to visit Thailand. Oh! let me rephrase that, it's my life mission of 2007. Pond is heading back to Thailand, baby. Here are some comments from fellas back home that make me feel pretty guilty.
Comment One: "Oh! hi, I almost forget I even have a niece," said aunt # 1
Comment Two: "That's okay. We almost forget about you already," said papa
Comment Three: "Are you ever gonna come back here?" asks aunt # 2
Comment Four: "I'm almost used to it," said mama
Comment Five: "Do you forget your life here? and your friends...maybe?" ask a friend.
And comment keeps coming non-stop since..............................I don't even remember.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
No Topic
I've never felt a week just flew by this fast until this past week. No it's not like I have been overly enjoying the week (something very dreaming and cheesy, er.... not really my thing,) but seriously this past week was pretty short and here I am--Friday all over again (and not complaining.) This past weekdays, I haven't done much really--work then home then work again. Besides, some times between those two, I've managed to learn making some new Thai dessert (okay folks, until now, is it "dessert" or "desert"? Which one is sandy lands, which one is sweets?) Anyhow, I've come to learn, I'm just not good at it--I mean, literally. I can make eatable main dishes, even some decent appertizers--Thai, American, Chinese or even Japanese. But when it comes down to anything with sugar, something that requires baking and flours (say, cookies, cakes, bread,) it's just not happening to me.
Last time I checked, I thought I was making dinner rolls. Turning out, they look like biscuits, and worse, they taste just like ones.
Last time I checked, I thought I was making dinner rolls. Turning out, they look like biscuits, and worse, they taste just like ones.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The First Love-Part Three
My eyes start to adjust a bit, but my mind doesn't. What I see seems so real and that I don't mean to come out in a cheesy way--the guy is standing two inches away from me. The same long-hair guy I saw on the train. The one I have been wondering who he was, and how I was gonna get to know him. He is introducing himself right here, right now. It is very promising.
The picture I saw--a smart-looking guy with oval-shape eye glasses wearing his straight hair down just touching his shoulder. Mick was wearing a dark green scottish t-shirt with a pair of faded ripped jeans along with flip-flop sandals. He seems like a misterious type kind of guy who doesn't seem to talk a whole lot. It was right around 11:3o pm when I put pieces together and realized how real this moment was. Mick said he has gotta go. "I had work to do," Mick said. A job at almost midnight?
It doesn't take other seniors long after Mick left to fill me in. Mick was a drummer at one of the hippiest bars in town--he has been doing this since he first arrived to Chiang Mai a few years back. He has his own bands, he is into drinking, partying, but to sit in the classroom listening to what professors have to say, it's not his cup of tea. After listening to what other seniors have to say, I still don't know him. I walked back to my dorm room wondering what tomorrow will bring. What's next week will be like. Who is Mick? Will we get along? Before I could even fill myself in with all those questions, I heard a phone ring. Another person on the line was Mick, "hey, I should have asked you sooner. Do you wanna come over here to see what I'm doing?"
The picture I saw--a smart-looking guy with oval-shape eye glasses wearing his straight hair down just touching his shoulder. Mick was wearing a dark green scottish t-shirt with a pair of faded ripped jeans along with flip-flop sandals. He seems like a misterious type kind of guy who doesn't seem to talk a whole lot. It was right around 11:3o pm when I put pieces together and realized how real this moment was. Mick said he has gotta go. "I had work to do," Mick said. A job at almost midnight?
It doesn't take other seniors long after Mick left to fill me in. Mick was a drummer at one of the hippiest bars in town--he has been doing this since he first arrived to Chiang Mai a few years back. He has his own bands, he is into drinking, partying, but to sit in the classroom listening to what professors have to say, it's not his cup of tea. After listening to what other seniors have to say, I still don't know him. I walked back to my dorm room wondering what tomorrow will bring. What's next week will be like. Who is Mick? Will we get along? Before I could even fill myself in with all those questions, I heard a phone ring. Another person on the line was Mick, "hey, I should have asked you sooner. Do you wanna come over here to see what I'm doing?"
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The First Love-Part Two
I'm not a winning-lottery type of person, but if I've ever gotten lucky out of anything at all, this must have been it.
From the part one, that guy happens to be a year older and being in my department, which means, my chance is maximized into a it-may-happen-between-us type of thing. I'm 30 years old right now, so at this point when I look back, I know, that was a love at first sight (something I'm still afraid to admit it's real until years later.) You know that type of "liking" that turns into "loving" and turn into "breath-in-breath-out-thinking-about-his-face-all-the-time" kinda feelings. This guy, "Mick" (so there is, his name) is real. To tell this story right now, it sounds like boom-boom-bang-bang, but in the real life back in 1990s, it wasn't. My feeling has been built up bit by bit, from seeing him here and there everyday. Until one day after our freshie initial craps (FYI: This thing takes like months of boot camps,) it was time to find out who is gonna be my school brother or sister. This person shares my last three student codes and this person "is supposed" to take care of me for the whole year to get me started on my new life in college. Meaning, "this person" will have a brother/sister or sister/sister relationship with me, helps me with school works, goes to bars with me and list goes on. This will be a lifetime relationship. I remember how excited my friends and I were to meet "the one" who will introduce us to what/where/how around this new city and environment. Chiang Mai University has been known for this system. It's been proven it works. So here, I have my faith in there--looking forward to every minute of it.
I remember the seniors blindfold us into one of these room. It must have been passed 9:00pm at night. My friends and I stood there for 30 minutes or so, then we started to smell a scent of candle. We heard a song sung by seniors welcoming us to the life outside what we all came from. I felt a touch on both of my hands. I heard someone whisper into my right ear, saying "Welcome to campus. I will be your brother here. I will take care of you. From now on, you are my sister and bet this will last forever." Right when the song finished, "that person" took off the blindfold.
My eyes havn't adjusted to the fluorescent lights that have just been turned back on just yet, but all I could see at that moment was a picture of a long hair guy smiling at me, holding my hands, says, "My name is Mick, and I am your brother."
From the part one, that guy happens to be a year older and being in my department, which means, my chance is maximized into a it-may-happen-between-us type of thing. I'm 30 years old right now, so at this point when I look back, I know, that was a love at first sight (something I'm still afraid to admit it's real until years later.) You know that type of "liking" that turns into "loving" and turn into "breath-in-breath-out-thinking-about-his-face-all-the-time" kinda feelings. This guy, "Mick" (so there is, his name) is real. To tell this story right now, it sounds like boom-boom-bang-bang, but in the real life back in 1990s, it wasn't. My feeling has been built up bit by bit, from seeing him here and there everyday. Until one day after our freshie initial craps (FYI: This thing takes like months of boot camps,) it was time to find out who is gonna be my school brother or sister. This person shares my last three student codes and this person "is supposed" to take care of me for the whole year to get me started on my new life in college. Meaning, "this person" will have a brother/sister or sister/sister relationship with me, helps me with school works, goes to bars with me and list goes on. This will be a lifetime relationship. I remember how excited my friends and I were to meet "the one" who will introduce us to what/where/how around this new city and environment. Chiang Mai University has been known for this system. It's been proven it works. So here, I have my faith in there--looking forward to every minute of it.
I remember the seniors blindfold us into one of these room. It must have been passed 9:00pm at night. My friends and I stood there for 30 minutes or so, then we started to smell a scent of candle. We heard a song sung by seniors welcoming us to the life outside what we all came from. I felt a touch on both of my hands. I heard someone whisper into my right ear, saying "Welcome to campus. I will be your brother here. I will take care of you. From now on, you are my sister and bet this will last forever." Right when the song finished, "that person" took off the blindfold.
My eyes havn't adjusted to the fluorescent lights that have just been turned back on just yet, but all I could see at that moment was a picture of a long hair guy smiling at me, holding my hands, says, "My name is Mick, and I am your brother."
Monday, February 12, 2007
Which way to Florida people?
People talk and then they make me panick.
You would think I should have gotten used to this winter/snow crap we have around Midwest years ago, but hell, I've never got used to it and probably never will. All I can do right now is to complain. Since I got to work this morning at 8 am until this evening I was leaving work, all I heard about is winter storm we are expecting tonight. It's gonna be a 24-hour non-stop snow/ sleet rain mix until midnight on Tuesday. We are expecting about 9-11 inches of snow--it's like a cake with icing--ice with thick snow on top of it. At first, I was kind of like "awww...that sucks," but since I have been brainwashed all day how bad it's gonna be, how roads are gonna slick, how traffic is gonna be like hell, and how much driving I HAVE TO deal with tomorrow, I'm now depressed.
It is even on the front page of the Indianapolis Star. I wonder if schools are gonna be all closed tomorrow and how dangerous it's gonna be on the road, why doesn't the city declare state of emergency? Let all the work places closed to--just for tomorrow. Then life can go on peacefully on Wednesday without somebody getting killed.
You would think I should have gotten used to this winter/snow crap we have around Midwest years ago, but hell, I've never got used to it and probably never will. All I can do right now is to complain. Since I got to work this morning at 8 am until this evening I was leaving work, all I heard about is winter storm we are expecting tonight. It's gonna be a 24-hour non-stop snow/ sleet rain mix until midnight on Tuesday. We are expecting about 9-11 inches of snow--it's like a cake with icing--ice with thick snow on top of it. At first, I was kind of like "awww...that sucks," but since I have been brainwashed all day how bad it's gonna be, how roads are gonna slick, how traffic is gonna be like hell, and how much driving I HAVE TO deal with tomorrow, I'm now depressed.
It is even on the front page of the Indianapolis Star. I wonder if schools are gonna be all closed tomorrow and how dangerous it's gonna be on the road, why doesn't the city declare state of emergency? Let all the work places closed to--just for tomorrow. Then life can go on peacefully on Wednesday without somebody getting killed.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Big part of my life: Part One

As I've just turned 30 several days back, jeez, I look back at my life during these past three decades, my college life in Chiang Mai beats them all. Every bit of happiness, success or even disappointments have made me who I am and who I have become today. I grew up in the city, yet I feel that I didn't experience life as much as the time I "actually" "really" growing up in Chiang Mai. My early years in gradeschool, all my childhood friends have always been the same group of people. I have had the same friends since I was 4 years old through my teen in highschool--they are all the same people whom I saw five days a week. We all come from the same background. We all have been exposed to the same thing, the same society and value. That took me about 16 years to realize how boring that was and to find out there are actually something outside the box. That was when I arrived to Chiang Mai--unvoluntarily. I have met people of all kind of backgrounds. It was amazing. Too bad I don't have an actually of me running up hill to Doi Suthep handy, but (see the picture) this activity (rup-nong-kuen-doi) is one of the very first activities CMU students have to experience. It is tiring, but extremely fun. You make lots of friends and learn to do things as team works. At the end of the day, I remember, our faculty decided to camp up the hill and stayed overnight in a freezing cold/ raining/ nasty weather. We camped and got to know each other that night, and since then, stories began. I looked back at my time in Chiang Mai and never once want to trade it with anything. It was priceless. Several years have gone by, I have never experienced anything close to what I had back in school. That was where I learned to grow up and compromise. I met my very first crush there, love, best friends and experiences that I cannot find it anywhere else.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Words Use
I went to Indianapolis Star online public discussion yesterday and there is this one discussion has sparked me to add a comment. How do you call something national like Super Bowl a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP when the sport is played nationally?
Now I understand, when two words--world--and--championship--are collided, they make things sound so EXTRAordinary like you are the best...you are the best in the world. As much as I really enjoy our local Colts World Championship, however, it sounds funny every single time I hear or see it. See, it's American Football (where the only two positions use foot to kick and where the rest of the world have already claimed the word "football" in refer to "soccer," which is a sport that really use foot to kick, except for only one position that uses hands--goalie.) I know some countries like Japan starts to play American football recently, but it's like a hobby you know. It's like a trend. When someone uses the word WORLD following by anything at all (world soccer, world trumpet player, world italian chef etc.,) I normally think of the best of the best. The best in so and so who has competed with those (in the same industry) all around the world to win the word WORLD....whatever that follows. If Thailand wants to have this Tra-Krow Championship game and say, Thailand wins, wow! how proud would that be to be titled as World's Tra-Krow Champion when there are probably Thailand and a few of our neighbours who know HOW-TO play? I say, it's lame.
Speaking of American football, it's like a national game--just call it National Championship or something like that. Trying to speak of some Americans out there, jeez, they really take it personally.
Now I understand, when two words--world--and--championship--are collided, they make things sound so EXTRAordinary like you are the best...you are the best in the world. As much as I really enjoy our local Colts World Championship, however, it sounds funny every single time I hear or see it. See, it's American Football (where the only two positions use foot to kick and where the rest of the world have already claimed the word "football" in refer to "soccer," which is a sport that really use foot to kick, except for only one position that uses hands--goalie.) I know some countries like Japan starts to play American football recently, but it's like a hobby you know. It's like a trend. When someone uses the word WORLD following by anything at all (world soccer, world trumpet player, world italian chef etc.,) I normally think of the best of the best. The best in so and so who has competed with those (in the same industry) all around the world to win the word WORLD....whatever that follows. If Thailand wants to have this Tra-Krow Championship game and say, Thailand wins, wow! how proud would that be to be titled as World's Tra-Krow Champion when there are probably Thailand and a few of our neighbours who know HOW-TO play? I say, it's lame.
Speaking of American football, it's like a national game--just call it National Championship or something like that. Trying to speak of some Americans out there, jeez, they really take it personally.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Snow and Bad Drivers
Finally, out REAL snow has arrived, yesterday. Between 2-4 pm, it has already added up to 4 inches. I was sitting inside my office yesterday and all has been through my head was: "how the hell am I gonna make it out here?" Repeat.
Looking over to the main road, there were two things I saw: 1) cars getting stuck, not moving. Ten minutes later, same cars still parked on the same spot--probably been moving a few inches or so. 2) more snow. I heard a colleague saying something about I-70 was closed due to some semi-trucks wrecking. Our receptionist said her boyfriend had been on the road for 3 hours now. I called Dan, he said his tank was almost empty though he had been in his car for over 2 hours. Yesterday evening was such a wreck. I heard my boss pondered, "oh this snow is so beautiful!" Well, wait till you hit the road and say that again.
I'm an okay driver in a fair weather. I'm a bad driver in rain. I have become a desasterous driver when it comes to snow, and I know it. I'm dangerous to myself and a car nearby. Yesterday night, I managed to get home safely (surprise, surprise.) The whole way home, I was thinking what the hell I am doing here. Indianapolis is so damn cold and I'm definitely not made for it. Snow is pretty and dreamy, BUT wait till you see what it will look like the day after (such as today.) It's wet, nasty and very slippery. No so pretty afterall.
Looking over to the main road, there were two things I saw: 1) cars getting stuck, not moving. Ten minutes later, same cars still parked on the same spot--probably been moving a few inches or so. 2) more snow. I heard a colleague saying something about I-70 was closed due to some semi-trucks wrecking. Our receptionist said her boyfriend had been on the road for 3 hours now. I called Dan, he said his tank was almost empty though he had been in his car for over 2 hours. Yesterday evening was such a wreck. I heard my boss pondered, "oh this snow is so beautiful!" Well, wait till you hit the road and say that again.
I'm an okay driver in a fair weather. I'm a bad driver in rain. I have become a desasterous driver when it comes to snow, and I know it. I'm dangerous to myself and a car nearby. Yesterday night, I managed to get home safely (surprise, surprise.) The whole way home, I was thinking what the hell I am doing here. Indianapolis is so damn cold and I'm definitely not made for it. Snow is pretty and dreamy, BUT wait till you see what it will look like the day after (such as today.) It's wet, nasty and very slippery. No so pretty afterall.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
While typing this blog, Super Bowl is still on and we are down 6 to 14 with 4:20 minutes left on the first quarter.
It's just my way to distract myself from the game a little so I don't get too involved, overly excited, anxious, happy or worse..disappointed. I don't consider myself a die-hard football fan, though, I enjoy watching football. This is probably the first season I have been rooting for the Colts. Especially when they are playing against Bears, it becomes very personal. Here is why:
1) Since I've lived in Indy. I enjoy football. Colts have been doing great. I don't see why I shouldn't root for them.
2) With all the number 1 combined, I have found myself making lots of friends out of this simple topic, Colts.
3) So when Chicago Bears have won NFC Championship, they are the enemy--a very corky one. Chicago media, people and city believe they will beat us, and yes, they have been talking shit about Indy and I don't like that. I'd rather take a subtle way. So now, I really want Colts to win just to prove some points.
4) Love the coach. Dungy is a very subtle guy...very polite....very quiet. He is different than those yelling/ screaming NFL coach we see.
Now I feel obligated to root for the Colts, but as much as I'm concern, I don't know if I can handle watching this game. By 10pm, result should be in.
It's just my way to distract myself from the game a little so I don't get too involved, overly excited, anxious, happy or worse..disappointed. I don't consider myself a die-hard football fan, though, I enjoy watching football. This is probably the first season I have been rooting for the Colts. Especially when they are playing against Bears, it becomes very personal. Here is why:
1) Since I've lived in Indy. I enjoy football. Colts have been doing great. I don't see why I shouldn't root for them.
2) With all the number 1 combined, I have found myself making lots of friends out of this simple topic, Colts.
3) So when Chicago Bears have won NFC Championship, they are the enemy--a very corky one. Chicago media, people and city believe they will beat us, and yes, they have been talking shit about Indy and I don't like that. I'd rather take a subtle way. So now, I really want Colts to win just to prove some points.
4) Love the coach. Dungy is a very subtle guy...very polite....very quiet. He is different than those yelling/ screaming NFL coach we see.
Now I feel obligated to root for the Colts, but as much as I'm concern, I don't know if I can handle watching this game. By 10pm, result should be in.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Thank God, it's Friday.
Nope, it didn't have a bad week at all. This week has gone by fast, yet, I love Fridays--well, to be exact, Friday evening. In the past two weeks, all I hear is about Super Bowl....Colts....Bears. It starts to get me nervous. I'm not sure if I will be able to watch the game anymore. Call me a wuss, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle disappointments. I will stay humble this Sunday. Well, let's get back to what I was talking about earlier--more Fridays. I love Friday evenings. I love the concept of not having anything to worry about in the next two days. I love the concept that I can just do absolutely nothing. So plan this weekend will be doing nothing and waiting for that Sunday of Super Bowl. But this Friday, I have something I will be thinking about...making a decision whether I will be watching the live game on Sunday. I know I sound very very retarded right now. Most folks out there have been waiting for this weekend and have plans to go here and there and party for the big game. Talking to one of my friends a few days before about considering not watching the game, he said it was stupid. "Why would you want to do that? It doesn't happen everyday--the home team makes it to the final round. It might not even gonna happen again in a while."
The thing is: Indianapolis Colts has never gone to Super Bowl before. The last time they did, Colts still belonged to Baltimore and that was back in the 70s. Guess it's a big deal. Watching it or not watching it? I told Dan I might end up going to Meijer for some grocery shopping at 6:30pm. Bet not having to fight traffic for sure.
Nope, it didn't have a bad week at all. This week has gone by fast, yet, I love Fridays--well, to be exact, Friday evening. In the past two weeks, all I hear is about Super Bowl....Colts....Bears. It starts to get me nervous. I'm not sure if I will be able to watch the game anymore. Call me a wuss, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle disappointments. I will stay humble this Sunday. Well, let's get back to what I was talking about earlier--more Fridays. I love Friday evenings. I love the concept of not having anything to worry about in the next two days. I love the concept that I can just do absolutely nothing. So plan this weekend will be doing nothing and waiting for that Sunday of Super Bowl. But this Friday, I have something I will be thinking about...making a decision whether I will be watching the live game on Sunday. I know I sound very very retarded right now. Most folks out there have been waiting for this weekend and have plans to go here and there and party for the big game. Talking to one of my friends a few days before about considering not watching the game, he said it was stupid. "Why would you want to do that? It doesn't happen everyday--the home team makes it to the final round. It might not even gonna happen again in a while."
The thing is: Indianapolis Colts has never gone to Super Bowl before. The last time they did, Colts still belonged to Baltimore and that was back in the 70s. Guess it's a big deal. Watching it or not watching it? I told Dan I might end up going to Meijer for some grocery shopping at 6:30pm. Bet not having to fight traffic for sure.
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